Vilsack Moves Into Full Damage-Control Mode After Sherrod Debacle (VIDEO)

In the wake of the Shirley Sherrod debacle, and his Keystone Kops-eqsue role in it, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack shifted into a full damage-control mode this afternoon. He reportedly called Shirley Sherrod to offer her back her job (she was, at publication time, still considering), held a press conference at the Agriculture Department at which he offered her a public apology and prepared to follow it up with a reported confab with the Congressional Black Caucus.
So much for limiting the fall-out from the Breitbart video.
At the press conference, Vilsack told reporters that he had apologized to Sherrod for the pain and discomfort her family has experienced, and allowed her to vent her feelings. She was, he said, "extraordinarily gracious" while he accepted responsibility for the circumstances. He told the press that he asked her for personal forgiveness and she had give it to him.
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