jessi slaughter

Who is kerligirl13? Meet Jessi Slaughter

jessi slaughter


You may have noticed "kerligirl13" has been trending on Google today. Probably like you, I wondered, who the heck is that? After searching the internet, I found it's an 11 year old girl, by the name of Jessi Slaughter. She uploads videos on YouTube and she has a mouth like a sailor. Her behavior has resulted in many response videos on YouTube, with not so favorable reviews of her videos.
Though she curses with the best of them, Jessi's  true 11 year old self surfaced, when she tearfully confronted the "haters" who have commented negatively. Jessi's father comes on the screen, defending his daughter and her potty mouth. Admirable to come to his daughters defense, as no one should pick on an 11 year old girl. However, I think many people are a little shocked, perhaps wondering why her parents let her get away with that behavior. Telling her detractors to "get AIDS and die" isn't going to earn her any sympathy or respect.
When I was 11, if I had dared to utter any of the crap she says, I would have faced the wrath of my mother. As an adult, I swear now and again, but too much is a little overkill and a bit tacky.
I'm all for creativity and expressing yourself, but shouldn't her parents be watching what she uploads on the internet?
Jessi, do yourself a favor, turn off YouTube and the webcam and go read a book.
Ah, the future of America. We're all in a lot of trouble.
If you're curious about the rantings of an 11 year old(as if an 11 year old has anything to rant about). Keep in mind kerligirl13's YouTube videos are definitely NSFW.