Janet Jackson,Newest Face of Blackglama Fur
Summer may be in full swing but it's never too early to start thinking about purchasing your next mink for the winter! Music icon and actress, Janet Jackson is the newest celebrity to be featured in the Blackglama fur label ads.

Jackson has joined an elite group of legendary Hollywood figures that have been photographed,wrapped in the famous brand of furs. Blackglama fur has become known for its naturally rich,dark brand of minks. The brand has also built its reputation on designing quality-elegant, luxurious mink products. Blackglama's product line extends to leather bags,fragrance, eyewear, and fur acessories.Blackglama has also become equally popular and well known for featuring iconic figures in its ads throughout the decades.

The list of stars to pose in the ads ,over the years include: Bette Davis, Audrey Hepburn, Ray Charles, Sophia Loren, Marlene Dietrich, Elizabeth Taylor, Diana Ross, Lauren Bacall, Lena Horne, Liza Minelli, Judy Garland, Faye Dunaway, Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell and many more. With each famous face that's featured in each ad,the slogan reads:"What becomes a Legend most?"
Blackgama's CEO, Joe Morelli shared in a press release why the fur label chose Jackson for this year's "legend" ad campaign and what image she represents . Morelli says, "Janet is an icon in the world of music and entertainment, a true legend. She represents everything that this storied campaign embodies. Janet is to entertainment what Blackglama is to luxury."
However, not everyone was excited about Jackson's new fur ad. The animal rights organization, PETA expressed great distaste for Jackson's involvement with the Blackglama. PETA views the new ad as a betrayal by Jackson to the anti- fur beliefs PETA upholds. They further deemed her endorsement as "desperate".
Despite the criticism, Jackson expressed great honor in being chosen as one of the legendary faces to be featured in Blackglama's historically famous fur ads. The significance in posing for the ad goes beyond the fur for Jackson.
"What makes a legend, to me, is someone who has made a major mark on the world that lasts forever. Not just with their art, but for example, Elizabeth Taylor is a legendary actor, but [there is] also her humanitarian efforts, working with AIDS and AIDS research," she says. "That, to me, is what really makes someone a legend. I have too much to accomplish to consider myself a legend."
Blackglama's advertising agency, Laspata DeCaro was the creative force behind the fur campaign and Rocco Laspata was the photographer. Jackson flew to New York shoot the ad after performing on the American Idol finale. Janet Jackson's Blackgama fur ads hits national print outlets this September . Catch the ads in publications such as Vogue,Vanity Fair,The New York Times, Harper's Bazaar and more. Blackglama furs are sold at select stores. For more information on the Blackglama's famous brand of furs,visit http://www.blackglama.com/ .
To view behind the scenes of the photo shoot visit, Janet Jackson's official website. You can also view some of the other previous iconic faces to grace the Blackglama ads in the slideshow provided below. *Slideshow photo credit:Google image search*
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