contact Laura Prepon
Name: Laura Prepon
Height: 5' 10
Sex: F
Nationality: American
Birth Date: March 7, 1980
Birth Place: Watchung, New Jersey, USA
Profession: actress
Education: Watchung Hills Regional High School
Total Theater Lab in NYC
Relationship: Chris Masterson (actor; born on January 22, 1980; lived together since 2001)
Father: Micheal Prepon (orthopedic
surgeon; died 1994 undergoing heart surgery)
Mother: Marjorie Prepon (former high school teacher)
Sister: Danielle Prepon (art student; born 1974), Jocelyn Prepon (law student; born 1972), Stephanie Prepon (magazine editor; born 1970)
Brother: Brad Prepon (born 1978)
Claim to fame: as Donna Pinciotti on TV Series That '70s Show