contact Laura Linney
Name: Laura Linney
Birth Name: Laura Legett Linney
Height: 5' 7"
Sex: F
Nationality: American
Birth Date: February 5, 1964
Birth Place: New York, New York, USA
Profession: actress
Education: Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island (majored in Theatre Arts)
Juilliard School, New York, New York (majored in Drama)
Husband/Wife: David Adkins (actor; married in September 1995; divorced in 2000)
Relationship: Marc Schauer (engaged)
Father: Romulus Linney (professor; born on September 21, 1930; divorced in 1965)
Mother: Ann Perse (née Leggett, nurse)
Half Sister: Susan Linney (book editor; born in 1975)
Grand Father: Romulus Zachariah Linney III (paternal grandfather)
Grand Mother: Maitland Thompson (paternal grandmother)
Step Father: Laura Callahan (served as associate director of investments for the Rockefellar Foundation)
Claim to fame: as Meryl in Peter Weir' The Truman Show (1998)