Famke Janssen Wallpaper

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contact Famke Janssen
Name: Famke Janssen
Birth Name: Famke Beumer
Height: 5' 11"
Sex: F
Nationality: Dutch
Birth Date: January 1, 1964
Birth Place: Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Profession: actress, model
Education: Columbia University in New York (majored in Writing and Literature; 1988-1992)
University of Amsterdam (majored in Economics)
Studied acting with Harold Gruskin
Husband/Wife: Todd Williams (aka Kip Williams; director; born on September 27, 1968; married in 1995; separated in 1999; divorced in 2000)
Relationship: Ben Affleck (actor; born on August 15, 1972; dated in 2001)
Sister: Marjolein Beumer (actress; born on October 27, 1966) and Antoinette Beumer (assistant director)
Claim to fame: as Bond girl Xenia Zaragevna Onatopp in GoldenEye (1995)