playstation network

The Behemoth Dates Castle Crashers for PlayStation Network

 The Behemoth has a gift for PlayStation Network users: the long-awaited release date of downloadable darling Castle Crashers. Art Director Dan Paladin made the official announcement on the PlayStation Blog, slotting August 31 for launch.

Since its launch in August 2008, Castle Crashers has become one of the most popular titles in the history of Xbox Live Arcade, with well over 1 million downloads. Developer The Behemoth officially announced a PSN version of the game at Comic-Con 2009, and ever since, people have been asking Paladin when it will launch.

"We've been working on Castle Crashers for the PSN for about a year and a half," Paladin wrote. "In that time I've had the fortune of meeting everyone at tradeshows and lots of people will ask me, 'C'mon, what is taking so long?' I have to say that we've felt the same way -- our whole team's goal is to make you all happy so we want to share it right now! We're super antsy. But like all of our games, we can never rush anything as it's necessary to make sure that every little piece is airtight. And fun."

Paladin said The Behemoth will also be announcing a number of contests and prizes related to the launch as we get closer to the 31st.

In addition, The Behemoth's new game, BattleBlock Theater, will be on display at PAX Prime in Seattle, which kicks off on September 3.