Keberatan Pajak
- suatu ketetapan pajak yang dikenakan kepadanya atau
- atas pemotongan/pemungutan oleh pihak ketiga
Hal-hal yang Dapat Diajukan Keberatan
Wajib Pajak dapat mengajukan keberatan atas:
a. Surat Ketetapan Pajak Kurang Bayar (SKPKB);
b. Surat Ketetapan Pajak Kurang Bayar Tambahan (SKPKBT);
c. Surat Ketetapan Pajak Lebih Bayar (SKPLB);
d. Surat Ketetapan Pajak Nihil (SKPN);
e. Pemotongan atau Pemungutan oleh pihak ketiga.
a. Surat Ketetapan Pajak Kurang Bayar (SKPKB);
b. Surat Ketetapan Pajak Kurang Bayar Tambahan (SKPKBT);
c. Surat Ketetapan Pajak Lebih Bayar (SKPLB);
d. Surat Ketetapan Pajak Nihil (SKPN);
e. Pemotongan atau Pemungutan oleh pihak ketiga.
Ketentuan Pengajuan Keberatan
Keberatan diajukan kepada Kepala Kantor Pelayanan Pajak (KPP) di tempat WP terdaftar, dengan syarat:
a.Diajukan secara tertulis dalam bahasa Indonesia ;
b.Wajib menyebutkan jumlah pajak yang terutang atau jumlah pajak yang dipotong atau dipungut atau jumlah rugi menurut penghitungan WP dan disertai alasan-alasan yang jelas;
c.Satu keberatan harus diajukan untuk satu jenis pajak dan satu tahun/masa pajak. Pengajuan keberatan tidak menunda kewajiban membayar pajak dan pelaksanaan penagihan pajak dan keberatan yang tidak memenuhi syarat, dianggap bukan Surat Keberatan, sehingga tidak diproses;
d.Dalam hal Wajib Pajak mengajukan keberatan atas surat ketetapan pajak, Wajib Pajak wajib melunasi pajak yang harus dibayar paling sedikit sejumlah yang disetujui Wajib Pajak dalam pembahasan akhir hasil pemeriksaan, sebelum surat keberatan disampaikan;
e. Surat keberatan di tandatangani sendiri oleh Wajib Pajak atau Pengurus dalam hal Wajib Pajak adalah badan hukum, jika dikuasakan wajib melampirkan Surat Kuasa Khusus,
Jangka Waktu Pengajuan Keberatan
Wajib Pajak dapat mengajukan keberatan dalam jangka waktu tidak lebih dari 3 (tiga) bulan sejak tanggal SKPKB, SKPKBT, SKPLB, SKPN atau sejak tanggal dilakukan pemotongan/ pemungutan oleh pihak ketiga.
a. Surat Keberatan yang disampaikan langsung ke KPP, maka jangka waktu 3 (tiga) bulan dihitung sejak tanggal SKPKB, SKPKBT, SKPLB, SKPN atau sejak dilakukan pemotongan / pemungutan oleh pihak ketiga sampai saat keberatan diterima oleh Kantor Pelayanan Pajak.
b. Surat Keberatan yang disampaikan melalui pos (harus dengan pos tercatat), jangka waktu 3 (tiga) bulan dihitung sejak tanggal SKPKB, SKPKBT, SKPLB, SKPN atau sejak dilakukan pemotongan/pemungutan oleh pihak ketiga sampai dengan tanggal tanda bukti pengiriman melalui Kantor Pos dan Giro.
Penyelesaian Keberatan
Direktur Jenderal Pajak dalam jangka waktu paling lama 12 (dua belas) bulan sejak tanggal surat keberatan diterima, harus memberikan keputusan atas keberatan yang diajukan. Apabila dalam jangka waktu 12 (dua belas ) telah lewat dan Direktorat Jenderal Pajak tidak memberi suatu keputusan, maka keberatan yang diajukan tersebut dianggap diterima Keputusan keberatan dapat berupa menerima seluruhnya atau sebagian, menolak atau menambah besarnya jumlah pajak terhutang.
Dasar Hukum Keberatan Pajak :
Undang undang Ketentuan Umum dan Tata cara Perpajakan (KUP) UU No. 28 Tahun 2007 Pasal 25 tentang Keberatan dan Banding
Al Sharpton: Glenn Beck Rally Distorts King's Dream
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Al Sharpton: Glenn Beck Rally Distorts King's Dream

WASHINGTON — On the eve of conservative commentator Glenn Beck's rally at the Lincoln Memorial, a blogger's assertion that parts of the nation's capital should be avoided touched off accusations of racism and a sharp response by angry city leaders.
Thousands of tea party supporters were expected at the demonstration Saturday that Beck has called a "Restoring Honor" rally to show support of the country's military at the site where Martin Luther King delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech 47 years ago to the day.
The location and timing prompted civil rights leaders to cry foul.
"They have a right to rally. But what they don't have the right do is distort what Dr. King's dream was about," the Rev. Al Sharpton declared Friday. He called the tea party assembly an anti-government action and has organized a counter rally also near the site of King's historic speech.
With emotions already high, the work of a largely unknown tea party blogger, Bruce Majors, brought them to a fever pitch on Friday.
The blog, which first appeared last Monday and has been widely viewed and distributed since then, warned conservative protesters visiting the nation's capital to avoid certain subway lines, suggesting they are unsafe, that certain neighborhoods should be avoided, that the city is populated by the world's refugees – that taxi drivers are often Arab or African – and that generally visitors should be wary.
And it inspired a satirical map of Washington with all of the city marked unsafe, except for the tiny sliver of the National Mall, home to the Lincoln Memorial. Some people mistakenly assumed the map was put out by Beck rally supporters.
City leaders didn't see the humor.
"Frankly, we need to put an end to that venom," said Vincent Gray, a member of the District of Columbia Council and a candidate for mayor, at a news conference Friday. "This is a city of 600,000 people – people who enjoy living here, people who pay their taxes." He urged tea party activists to ride the subway and visit the city's neighborhoods."People from all over the world work, live, visit and explore this city safely every day," added Elliott Ferguson, president of the tourism bureau Destination D.C.Organizers of the Beck rally declined to comment on the blog post.Majors said he offered his post as a "visitors guide" to people planning to attend the Beck rally. In an interview Friday, Majors said he was thinking of his mother and people like her who don't live in cities when he wrote the post. He never expected it to draw much attention.The posting offered hints on cheap eats, free wireless Internet spots – and the home addresses of Democratic political leaders, with the note "Feel free to protest!" And he urged visitors to avoid certain subway lines and stay in more affluent parts of the city.A real estate agent who has lived in Washington since 1980, Majors said it was not intended as racist.In fact, some of the neighborhoods that Majors suggested as dangerous – areas targeted by race riots more than 40 years ago – have undergone a revitalization and today sport new stores, restaurants, a diversity of residents and a thriving nightlife.Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson said on MSNBC this week that the blog post was fear-mongering."This is obviously scaring white people," Robinson said. "What they have done is essentially try to put off-limits any parts of the city where these main tea partiers believe you might be able to encounter, dare I say, black people."Sharpton described the demonstration planned for Saturday by Beck and his supporters as an anti-government rally advocating states' rights. And he said that goes against the message in King's famous "I Have a Dream" speech, in which the civil rights leader appealed to the federal government to ensure equality.Beck and other organizers say the aim is to pay tribute to America's military personnel and others "who embody our nation's founding principles of integrity, truth and honor." The broadcaster toured the site Friday as supporters cheered
See Also :
Beck's Restoring Honor Rally: Thousands Expected To Attend, Civil Rights Leaders Protest Event
restoring honor rally
restoring honor rally

Beck's Restoring Honor Rally: Thousands Expected To Attend, Civil Rights Leaders Protest Event

WASHINGTON — Tens of thousands of people heeded broadcaster Glenn Beck's summons for his "Restoring Honor" rally Saturday from the same marble steps at the Lincoln Memorial where Martin Luther King Jr.'s gave his famous "I Have a Dream" speech 47 years ago to the day.
Civil rights leaders protested the event – organizers have a permit for a crowd up to 300,000, though the Fox News commentator and conservative favorite said he expects 100,000 – and scheduled a 3-mile plus march from a high school to the site of a planned King memorial near the Tidal Basin and the Jefferson Memorial.
Beck insisted it was a coincidence that his gathering, where potential 2012 presidential candidate Sarah Palin was to speak, overlapped with the King speech anniversary of King's speech. Organizers said their aim was to honor military personnel and others "who embody our nation's founding principles of integrity, truth and honor."
The Rev. Al Sharpton, leading the civil rights march, said Beck's demonstration was an anti-government rally that advocated states' rights – counter to the message in King's speech, in which the civil right leader appealed to the federal government to ensure equality.
"The structural breakdown of a strong national government, which is what they're calling for, is something that does not serve the interests of the nation and it's something that Dr. King and others fought against," Sharpton told C-SPAN on Saturday.
People began filling up the space between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument, many waving American flags. The Washington-area subway system reported delays dues to crowding at some stations.
Beck has given voice to those angry and frustrated with President Barack Obama and other Democrats this election year, especially members of the tea party movement.
A conservative blogger's assertion that parts of the capital should be avoided as unsafe, created an uproar on the blogosphere, drawing accusations of racism and a sharp response by angry city leaders.
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harold dow death
Harold Dow DEAD: Veteran CBS News Reporter Dies Unexpectedly
Harold Dow has died unexpectedly.The veteran CBS News correspondent died Saturday. He was 62.
Dow leaves behind a wife, Kathy, and three children, Danica, Joelle, and David.
His career at CBS spanned almost 40 years. A five-time Emmy winner and a correspondent for 48 Hours since the program's inception, Dow covered everything from the kidnapping of Patty Hearst to American involvement in Bosnia.
A Peabody and Edward R. Murrow Award winner, Dow was the first network news reporter to interview O.J. Simpson after the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. According to the CBS press release announcing his passing, Dow narrowly escaped one of the falling twin towers during his coverage of the September 11 terror attacks.
When 48 Hours premiered as a television news series on CBS in 1988, it took its name from the 1986 documentary 48 Hours On Crack Street. Dow's work appeared in the documentary and he was part of the series since its debut.
In a recent interview with his hometown newspaper, Hackensack, New Jersey's The Record, Dow talked about his work:
"I've traveled all over the world. I've seen things few people in life get a chance to see up front and personal," Dow said in his distinctive, deep voice. "I covered the tsunami in Sri Lanka. I was in South Africa when Nelson Mandela was freed. I traveled with him across the United States when he gave his tour. There's just moments, places I've been that I think truly changed my life."
Before joining CBS, Dow broke the color barrier in 1968 as the first African American reporter in Omaha, Nebraska. It was a feat that earned Dow and the news director that hired him death threats.
Dow told the The Record that being a black journalist carried a special weight for him, a man who grew up picking cotton and tobacco during summers on his grandmother's farm:
"To know what it's like in that hot sun, working from sunup to sundown, forbidden to be able to read or write for hundreds of years. ... and that's what you do as a journalist, the thing they say you can't do," said Dow. "It's all connected for me."48 Hours correspondent Peter Van Sant remembered Dow as "incredibly funny, insightful, caring, tough when he needed to be, determined and as a colleague, a friend."
Van Sant recounted Dow's ability to score an exclusive:
During his career at CBS News, Harold got some huge exclusives. And these weren't stories just handed to him, these were stories he got himself, "old school style." When the entire world wanted to interview O.J. Simpson, it was Harold who got his butt in the chair. When boxer Mike Tyson's story was red hot, it was Harold who got the first major interview. And back in the olden days, when Patty Hearst, the daughter a newspaper and television mogul, was kidnapped by a terrorist organization -- and eventually joined the group -- it was Harold who got the biggest interview of the year, an exclusive with Patty that helped cement his career at CBS News.CBS did not report the cause of Dow's death. He lived in Upper Saddle River, N.J.
At "48 Hours," Harold could do it all. His range left me in awe. Harold could talk to anyone from presidents to pimps, rock stars and accused murderers. He loved his work, loved every minute of chasing the bad guys. He was 62 going on 25. In the past year, his profile of civil rights hero Medgar Evers won a major award. I'm serious when I say it was one of the best stories I've seen in the last five years.
WATCH: Harold Dow connects Medgar Evers' legacy to President Obama's path to the White House
playstation network
The Behemoth Dates Castle Crashers for PlayStation Network
The Behemoth has a gift for PlayStation Network users: the long-awaited release date of downloadable darling Castle Crashers. Art Director Dan Paladin made the official announcement on the PlayStation Blog, slotting August 31 for launch.
Since its launch in August 2008, Castle Crashers has become one of the most popular titles in the history of Xbox Live Arcade, with well over 1 million downloads. Developer The Behemoth officially announced a PSN version of the game at Comic-Con 2009, and ever since, people have been asking Paladin when it will launch.

"We've been working on Castle Crashers for the PSN for about a year and a half," Paladin wrote. "In that time I've had the fortune of meeting everyone at tradeshows and lots of people will ask me, 'C'mon, what is taking so long?' I have to say that we've felt the same way -- our whole team's goal is to make you all happy so we want to share it right now! We're super antsy. But like all of our games, we can never rush anything as it's necessary to make sure that every little piece is airtight. And fun."
Paladin said The Behemoth will also be announcing a number of contests and prizes related to the launch as we get closer to the 31st.
In addition, The Behemoth's new game, BattleBlock Theater, will be on display at PAX Prime in Seattle, which kicks off on September 3.
Paladin said The Behemoth will also be announcing a number of contests and prizes related to the launch as we get closer to the 31st.
In addition, The Behemoth's new game, BattleBlock Theater, will be on display at PAX Prime in Seattle, which kicks off on September 3.
carrie preston
Carrie Preston: Arlene isn't comfortable being pregnant with an evil baby

This season of "True Blood" has featured some of the sexiest, bloodiest and most shocking moments we've seen in ages -- and yet, the extremely realistic dilemma facing one of Bon Temps' power-free citizens has eclipsed many of the show's showier storylines.
Arlene's surprise pregnancy grabbed my attention from the outset. Not only was I captivated by the baby daddy debacle -- and anticipating the inevitable fallout once Terry learned she was actually carrying dead serial killer Rene's potentially evil spawn -- but by the way actress Carrie Preston ever so subtly let on that behind Arlene's happy exterior lied a woman whose morality was in constant conflict with a desire to unburden herself.
Those two warring sides came to a head last week as Arlene finally admitted her true wishes to Holly, whose sudden presence at Merlotte's can not be a coincidence. This week Arlene takes the next step, revealing the truth to Terry, which brings about some very shocking revelations according to Carrie. The actress also addressed rumors that Arlene's time on "True Blood" is coming to an end and how fan outcry could alter her fate.
PopWrap: I think most fans would agree with me in saying that season three has been the show's best yet -- what are your feelings on it?
Carrie Preston: I agree, I think this is the best season so far. I feel like I was the comic relief the first two seasons and this year I’m getting some real pathos.
Carrie Preston: I agree, I think this is the best season so far. I feel like I was the comic relief the first two seasons and this year I’m getting some real pathos.

PW: What was your reaction when Alan Ball told you the plan for your character this year?
Carrie: I got really excited about it because when they give you a storyline -- some kind of conflict or obstacle -- you know the writers have something to work with. I also was looking forward to seeing how her relationship with Terry is going to progress.
Carrie: I got really excited about it because when they give you a storyline -- some kind of conflict or obstacle -- you know the writers have something to work with. I also was looking forward to seeing how her relationship with Terry is going to progress.
PW: Yes, but I'm nervous because this Sunday she tells Terry that he's not the father of her baby.
Carrie: I know! I know! The good news is that Terry is such a sweet character, I hope the audience is pleased with what happens. But it does go to a surprising place – very unexpected. Arlene starts walking down an avenue that I don’t think the audience would expect her to.
Carrie: I know! I know! The good news is that Terry is such a sweet character, I hope the audience is pleased with what happens. But it does go to a surprising place – very unexpected. Arlene starts walking down an avenue that I don’t think the audience would expect her to.

PW: Is it safe to say last week's admission that she wouldn't have wanted this baby hints at possibly what you're talking about?
Carrie: Arlene is kind of superstitious person. She’s someone who takes things at face value and to be pregnant with an evil person’s baby is not something she’s comfortable with [laughs]. You've now seen the dilemma she’s been presented with and that carries us though these last three episodes – she has some solutions presented to her and big choices to make.
Carrie: Arlene is kind of superstitious person. She’s someone who takes things at face value and to be pregnant with an evil person’s baby is not something she’s comfortable with [laughs]. You've now seen the dilemma she’s been presented with and that carries us though these last three episodes – she has some solutions presented to her and big choices to make.
PW: Arlene has always been someone who is very steadfast in her conviction -- do you enjoy playing someone so self-assured in that way?
Carrie: It’s always nice to play someone who knows what they want, why they want it and what their attitudes are towards life. It just makes your job, as an actor, clearer. I also feel responsible, as a Southern woman, for giving her depth that might not be on the page. As written, she could be set up as someone to be ridiculed -- it’s easy to stereotype her. I try to play against that. To have her come from a place of reality instead of being some fictitious stereotype of the average southern racist. We’ve seen that a million times.
Carrie: It’s always nice to play someone who knows what they want, why they want it and what their attitudes are towards life. It just makes your job, as an actor, clearer. I also feel responsible, as a Southern woman, for giving her depth that might not be on the page. As written, she could be set up as someone to be ridiculed -- it’s easy to stereotype her. I try to play against that. To have her come from a place of reality instead of being some fictitious stereotype of the average southern racist. We’ve seen that a million times.
PW: Not to do diminish the writers, but you do seem to make a lot out of a little.
Carrie: That is the challenge of playing the role, but it’s also what makes me excited. I’ll be given very little text and I’ll have to make a whole life out of it. Arlene never gets a lot of scenes, so I have to make it seem like there’s more. It’s funny, I’ll do an episode and think, “ok, I only worked one day on it.” Then it’ll air and people will say, “wow, you had a lot to do this week!” I take that as a compliment because I think Arlene definitely makes an impression.
Carrie: That is the challenge of playing the role, but it’s also what makes me excited. I’ll be given very little text and I’ll have to make a whole life out of it. Arlene never gets a lot of scenes, so I have to make it seem like there’s more. It’s funny, I’ll do an episode and think, “ok, I only worked one day on it.” Then it’ll air and people will say, “wow, you had a lot to do this week!” I take that as a compliment because I think Arlene definitely makes an impression.
PW: And this whole relationship evolution with Terry has been great to watch.
Carrie: I love working with Todd Lowe, who plays Terry. We have the same work style. We approach things similarly, there’s an ease there, a trust there – it’s just nice to work with an actor who is operating at the same frequency. We don’t even need to do a lot of talking at this point, we just show up and being in the same room together is almost enough.
Carrie: I love working with Todd Lowe, who plays Terry. We have the same work style. We approach things similarly, there’s an ease there, a trust there – it’s just nice to work with an actor who is operating at the same frequency. We don’t even need to do a lot of talking at this point, we just show up and being in the same room together is almost enough.

PW: I'd also imagine what was asked of you two last season helped solidify that.
Carrie: Obviously we got to know each other very well last season because we were, in some cases, out in the 38 degree darkness with black contact lenses, scantily clad on top of each other. That will bond you really quickly [laughs].
Carrie: Obviously we got to know each other very well last season because we were, in some cases, out in the 38 degree darkness with black contact lenses, scantily clad on top of each other. That will bond you really quickly [laughs].
PW: In the last few weeks Arlene has become close with the new Merlotte's waitress, Holly, which is surprising because she doesn't typically like her co-workers.
Carrie: I know. She's even strictly maternal towards Sookie. But there is definitely a friendship forming with Holly. In many ways, she's found a kindred spirit in Holly and it couldn't have happened at a better time because she really needs her council.
Carrie: I know. She's even strictly maternal towards Sookie. But there is definitely a friendship forming with Holly. In many ways, she's found a kindred spirit in Holly and it couldn't have happened at a better time because she really needs her council.
PW: Obviously there's something else going on with Holly -- and, I don't know if you're aware of this, but a lot of fans are worried for Arlene's mortality.
Carrie: I am aware of that. I think part of the concern came when I took a role on “The Good Wife” role. I did a couple of those, and I’ll be back for another one. It’s been fun to step aside and work on an another show. Obviously I can’t say anything, but I am pleased to see that fans are concerned, which means they like my character. That’s always flattering and not a bad thing for your boss to hear.
Carrie: I am aware of that. I think part of the concern came when I took a role on “The Good Wife” role. I did a couple of those, and I’ll be back for another one. It’s been fun to step aside and work on an another show. Obviously I can’t say anything, but I am pleased to see that fans are concerned, which means they like my character. That’s always flattering and not a bad thing for your boss to hear.
PW: Plus, if there's one show you want to die on it's "True Blood" because there's a million ways you could come back.
Carrie: Absolutely! I might get killed and turned into a vampire.
Carrie: Absolutely! I might get killed and turned into a vampire.
"True Blood" airs Sundays at 9pm on HBO
shashi tharoor
Kerala village decks up for Tharoor marriage
PALAKKAD: A sleepy Kerala village will come alive on Sunday as the much-hyped wedding of Shashi Tharoor and Sunanda Pushkar will be held in traditional Nair style at his maternal village Elvanchery, 30km from Palakkad in Kerala.
The 200-year-old ancestral home will be the marriage venue where a colourful shamiana has been put up.
The wedding would be solemnized on Sunday morning with the couple dressed up in traditional Kerala clothes. Tharoor, who reached the nearby town of Kollengode in the evening, visted his 92-year-old grandmother Jayasankari and sought her blessings.
His accommodation was arranged at Kalari Kovilakom, the former palace of the king of Kollangode, and rooms were booked for Pushkar and her family too but the two changed plans.
PALAKKAD: A sleepy Kerala village will come alive on Sunday as the much-hyped wedding of Shashi Tharoor and Sunanda Pushkar will be held in traditional Nair style at his maternal village Elvanchery, 30km from Palakkad in Kerala.
The 200-year-old ancestral home will be the marriage venue where a colourful shamiana has been put up.
The wedding would be solemnized on Sunday morning with the couple dressed up in traditional Kerala clothes. Tharoor, who reached the nearby town of Kollengode in the evening, visted his 92-year-old grandmother Jayasankari and sought her blessings.
His accommodation was arranged at Kalari Kovilakom, the former palace of the king of Kollangode, and rooms were booked for Pushkar and her family too but the two changed plans.
The 200-year-old ancestral home will be the marriage venue where a colourful shamiana has been put up.
The wedding would be solemnized on Sunday morning with the couple dressed up in traditional Kerala clothes. Tharoor, who reached the nearby town of Kollengode in the evening, visted his 92-year-old grandmother Jayasankari and sought her blessings.
His accommodation was arranged at Kalari Kovilakom, the former palace of the king of Kollangode, and rooms were booked for Pushkar and her family too but the two changed plans.
Big Brother 12 Episode 17, Watch Big Brother 12 Episode 17, Big Brother S12 E17
Big Brother 12 Episode 17, Watch Big Brother 12 Episode 17, Big Brother S12 E17

Big Brother 12 Episode 17 aired on August 15, 2010, revealing who the new HOH is as well as who the two nominees for eviction are this week.
August 15, 2010 Sunday was Big Brother 12 episode 17, and CBS viewers were finally told who won the HOH competition at the end of the last episode. It was another endurance challenge (the third of Big Brother 12), and again CBS planned to have it come to an end on the internet live feeds. That meant viewers had to wait for Sunday to find out the HOH as well as the new HOH nominations.
Big Brother 12 August 12 HOH Competition
The HOH competition this week was a version of a ropes course, with all of the houseguests tied to a rope, which was tangled and knotted along a course. The object was to simply untie all the notes and make their way through the course while connected to the rope. It wasn’t as easy as it sounded, and several houseguests weren’t intelligent enough to figure out how to work the knots.
Brendon jumped out to an early lead, with Lane and Hayden not too far behind him. Ragan, Britney, Enzo, and Kathy could not figure out what was going on, and performed terribly again. It’s really hard to foresee any of those four actually winning an HOH competition, because Ragan always quits, and the other three have never even come close to winning one.
The lead progressed for Brendon, and he flat out blew everybody out of the water. Maybe he has extra energy from having the other houseguests dupe him into believing Rachel was staying in the house, but he went on a tear all the way to victory.
Brendon became the sixth HOH in the Big Brother 12 house. He then chose Ragan, Britney, and Matt as the three Have Nots for the week, and Britney was not happy about it. Do any viewers think this should have come as a surprise to her?
Big Brother 12 Episode 17 Recap
Immediately after Brendon won the HOH, the rest of the houseguests started second-guessing the decision to vote out Rachel first. Enzo was especially frustratedabout it, because he had been fighting to evict Brendon first. Britney then took over the role of house crier, finding anyone she could to cry to about thinking she was going home next.
Read Also: Recap of Big Brother 12 Episode 17
It seemed that both Ragan and Britney finally woke up and realized that they were in a game though, and maybe they will actually make game-affecting decisions this next week instead of just sitting in the house letting things happen around them. Meanwhile, Enzo and Hayden started talking out loud about trusting Matt less than Brendon, showing that there were cracks forming in the Brigade alliance.
big brother 12 episode 17
Recap of Big Brother 12 Episode 17

episode of Big Brother season 12 was aired on August 15, 2010. The episode revealed the winner of HOH and also nominated two people standing for eviction this week. CBS once again planned to end the challenge on internet live feeds. That kept people waiting till the end of Sunday to know who is the winner of HOH along with the announcement of new nominations for HOH competition.

The HOH competition of the week was held on August 12. In the task, all the houseguests were tied with a rope, which was tangled and knotted along a course. The objective was to untie the notes of rope and make their way (while being connected to the rope) through the course. The competition didn’t go too easy because houseguests weren’t good at knots.
episode of Big Brother season 12 was aired on August 15, 2010. The episode revealed the winner of HOH and also nominated two people standing for eviction this week. CBS once again planned to end the challenge on internet live feeds. That kept people waiting till the end of Sunday to know who is the winner of HOH along with the announcement of new nominations for HOH competition.
The HOH competition of the week was held on August 12. In the task, all the houseguests were tied with a rope, which was tangled and knotted along a course. The objective was to untie the notes of rope and make their way (while being connected to the rope) through the course. The competition didn’t go too easy because houseguests weren’t good at knots.
California 200 crash kills 8 after off-roader goes airborne
California 200 crash kills 8 after off-roader goes airborne
Eight people watching the race die and dozens more are hurt when an off-road vehicle rolls over spectators. 'People didn't have much of a chance,' says a California Highway Patrol officer.
According to San Bernardino County sheriff’s spokeswoman Cindy Bachman, cited by the Associated Press (AP), eight people were killed as a result of the crash and another 12 have been injured. Most were transported to the Loma Linda University Medical Center or St. Mary’s Medical Center with the help of the seven ambulances and 10 emergency aircraft who rushed to the scene.Loading
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Eight Dead After Pickup Truck Plows Into California 200 Race Spectators
California 200 Crash Kills 8, Injures 12
California 200 Race Spectators
Eight Dead After Pickup Truck Plows Into California 200 Race Spectators

An off-road pickup truck crashed into a crowd of spectators watching a popular local race in California Saturday night, killing eight people and seriously injuring several more.

Drivers race in four 50-mile laps in a dry lake bed popular with off-road enthusiasts called Soggy Dry Lake.
Witnesses told television station KTLA that the truck hit spectators who were sitting on a pile of rocks.
At least four people were seriously injured and flown to area hospitals by helicopter.
The California Highway Patrol told KTLA that a total of eight people were hospitalized.
It is not clear yet if the driver was killed or seriously injured.
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California 200 Crash Kills 8, Injures 12
california 200
California 200 Crash Kills 8, Injures 12

California 200 off-road race held yesterday near Lucerne Valley, 100 miles (160km) from Los Angeles, started and ended in tragedy, after one of the competing trucks, a Prerunner, went over a jump and ended up upside down on top of several spectators.
According to San Bernardino County sheriff’s spokeswoman Cindy Bachman, cited by the Associated Press (AP), eight people were killed as a result of the crash and another 12 have been injured. Most were transported to the Loma Linda University Medical Center or St. Mary’s Medical Center with the help of the seven ambulances and 10 emergency aircraft who rushed to the scene.
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Eight Dead After Pickup Truck Plows Into California 200 Race Spectators
metor shower tonight
Metor Shower Tonight

Metor shower tonight will be at best according to NASA officials. However cloudy atmosphere in parts of the United States is an obstacle to the spectacular view. NASA has predicted that there will be about 80 meteors per hour and the best time to see the light show is from 11:00 pm to 5:00 am for the sky would be dark during those hours. Those in the mountainous region may have more than 100 meteors per hour. People in the northern hemisphere will have a better view of the shooting star. Last year the meteor show was even better with about 200 meteors per hour.A viewing guide is available on the NASA Web site to help viewers at home. Metor shower tonight called Perseids because the stars will point back to the constellation Perseus. Scientists have warned people to look up in the sky and the constellation to avoid any radiation affects.
Metor shower tonight is attributed to the comet named Swift-Tuttle. It takes 133 years for the comet to orbit the sun. concert tonight will be better visibility, as it is happening at a time when the moon is not so bright. The lights dim meteors will also be visible in the absence of moonlight. No special equipment is needed to see the light show. dark and less polluted sites offer a better view.
Those who do not leave free time in the morning of Friday, still have the chance to see the show on Saturday morning.
paul jr designs
Paul Jr Designs vs Orange County Choppers
For those of you who have been missing those amazing designs from Paul Teutul Jr., then you will be pleased to know that he is about to start designing and building his own choppers again. However, his new company Paul Jr. Designs will be very different to Orange County Choppers, as it will be old school bike building compared to the start-of-the-art OCC factory.It is no secret that American Chopper has lost its magic, as Paul Jr. was the brains behind all of the designs, but he did have a great team behind him to back him up. Thankfully the best guy who used to work at Orange County Choppers will be working along side junior – Vinnie.
Junior has made some of the most famous choppers out there, from the Black Widow Bike to the Intel bike, but does he still have what it takes. He has two things going against him, he has been out of the game for over a year, and the fact that he does not have the machinery like OCC does.
I hope that Paul Jr. pulls it off, he has designed some great bikes, and what made OCC was him and Vinnie – so the team is back together. Let us hope that Rick comes on-board, as he is a great fabricator and will be an asset to company Paul Jr. Designs.
Paul Jr Designs vs Orange County Choppers: Who will design the better bikes?
Visit the official Paul Jr. Designs website.
who won hell s kitchen 2010
Who Won Hell's Kitchen? Find Out if the Hell's Kitchen Winner is Holli Ugalde or Jay Santos
Tuesday night's season finale revealed who won Hell's Kitchen season seven. So, was it Holli Ugalde or Jay Santos?
It turns out that the Hell's Kitchen winner is...Holli Ugalde! Holli 's big win came after Holli and Jay faced off in the final challenge of preparing five dishes for five executive chefs from the UK. Jay was the challenge winner after preparing appetizers, a fish course, and a meat entree for the chefs. And then, it was time for the final dinner service.
As usual, eliminated contestants returned to help the two finalists pull off their final service. Jay selected Benjamin, Jason, and Fran for his team. Holli selected Autumn, Nilka, and Siobhan. Well, Holli actually didn't select Siobhan. Siobhan just happened to be the only person left standing.
The dinner service was turbulent, to say the least. Siobhan moved too slowly, Fran didn't seem to have a clue at one point, Jason's lamb was undercooked, Nilka had meat issues, Autumn and Nilka butted heads, etc. But both Holli and Jay took charge of their dinner services, even though Jay needed some help from Benjamin when it came to showing authority.
In the end, Gordon Ramsay decided that Holli would become the new head chef at his Savoy Grill in London. "Both of you have got very exciting futures in this industry," chef Ramsay said before Holli received the life-changing news. However, Jay didn't walk away empty-handed. Both Jay and Holli won trips to Australia.
Are you satisfied with the Hell's Kitchen winner this season? Let me know in the comments!
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pretty little liars season 2
‘Pretty Little Liars’: Troian Bellisario on the Summer Finale

With its heavy use of teen melodrama and a central mystery fueled by texting, the ABC Family series “Pretty Little Liars” has drawn comparisons to “Gossip Girl.” In the case of “Liars,” a popular high school girl named Alison DiLaurentis has disappeared, and her four grieving best friends find themselves taunted by someone known only as “A” — whose hectoring texts suggest the girls know more than they’re saying.
Since its June debut, “Pretty Little Liars,” which airs its mid-season finale tonight, has quickly become a summer hit for the network. Speakeasy caught up with co-star Troian Bellisario, who plays the upright student Spencer Hastings, to discuss the show’s popularity and what fans can expect going forward.
The Wall Street Journal: Why do you think the show has become so popular?
Everybody loves a good mystery but it also doesn’t shy away from the issues that everyone is going through at the age the girls are. Some people are struggling with their sexuality, people’s parents divorce, they have issues at school — the show is sympathetic to the characters and what they’re going through.
The content is a little racy considering the series airs on ABC Family.
What was shocking to me was when I first got the script, I thought, I know exactly what kind of show this is going to be. I’d seen “The Secret Life of the American Teenager.” Then I read my audition scene and Spencer was bumming cigarettes from her sister’s fiance and shamelessly flirting with him. I know it’s not an HBO show but it’s pushing the envelope as far as ABC Family goes. They realize TV should reflect reality, and in reality young girls are struggling with their sexuality.
What can you tell fans about the finale?
I can’t say much but I will say that one of the girls finds out who A is.
One of the girls or the viewers?
One of the girls.
Could the show continue to exist if A’s identity is revealed?
I think it would exist and be interesting to watch. Once you know, then the audience gets to participate. But I don’t think we’ll let the audience find out who A is too soon. It’s more fun this way.
How much do you know about future plotlines?
Honestly, I know nothing. They keep us in the dark. The crew get scripts usually four days before we tape. They give the scripts to us, at the most, a day or two days before. We’ve gotten scripts at 2 a.m. before the day we’re filming. Sometimes you get a script far in advance but often you’re shooting so quickly. TV is fast.
Your father, Donald P. Bellisario, produced hit shows like “Magnum P.I” and “NCIS.” What’s the best piece of showbiz advice you got from him?
Never forget that it’s a business.
You can leave your thoughts about “Pretty Little Liars” in the comments.
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