Lindsay Lohan is by far one of the most interesting and entertaining female celebrities in Hollywood. She just might be one of the craziest as well! No other female celebrity makes as many news headlines, good or bad, as Lindsay Lohan. Well, except for one reality star and socialite who considers herself an actress, Paris Hilton.
Paris Hilton aside, Lindsay Lohan is a sexy actress, singer and song writer. She is a megastar and triple threat who captures the interest of viewers across the globe.
Lindsay Lohan constantly makes news headlines due to her crazy behavior. From car crashes to partying, drinking and drugs, DUI and rehab, Lindsay seems unstoppable. She continues to shock us all and there are no signs she is slowing down anytime soon.
While currently in rehab, Lindsay Lohan is already making plans for her 21st birthday bash located at Pure nightclub. The event will take place just days after Lindsay's release from Promises rehab clinic. Wow, drinks for thought? It will be a huge challenge for Lindsay to remain sober while her friends party on!
So, why is Lindsay Lohan one of the most sought after stars in the US and across the world? It could be that she is drop dead gorgeous, with a smoking hot body and looks that could kill. It might be that she is far more talented and entertaining than her competition. Whatever it is, we are all watching and waiting for her next move.